Tuesday, November 13, 2007

There's always something..

Dear God,

There is always something to pray about. There is always something to think about. As long as there are thoughts in a person's head, then there is always something to pray about.

Prayer is not about asking You for something all the time. I mean.. why am I telling You this?? You should know. You're God.

Anyway, I have several things on my mind.

They aren't really requests, just.. well.. things on my mind. I would like Your input.

The first one is my CCD class. They started off so good, and I have some really great kids, but I also have some really disrespectful students. I hate to lose my patience with the class. I hate to be angry during a class period. It's not fiar to the good kids. It's not fair to take away from the good kid's time to learn about You because I am busy disciplining the bad kids. What am I supposed to do? I want to give these kids the best I can with the time I am allowed with them. I don't want them to walk away from the class and not know how important You really are to them. Thank you for opening their eyes and their hearts to what I have to say. And thank You for using me as an insturment to show these kids as much as I can about our Faith. I just don't know what to do about the bad kids..

I also have a disabled student. He's got a mental disability and I know it's hindering him from really grasping all the concepts that I am trying to teach him at the grade level he "should" be.. when it's pretty obvious that due to his disability he shoudln't be in this class. We need a special program for the children with the disabilities, but I know that the diocese might not be able to afford such a program. I know that it's not his fault. His disability is the cross he has to bear and I would hate to hold him back because of it. What do I do there?

There is so much more that I can talk to you about right now, but I think I'll save one for a moment when I am alone, just sitting and thinking and praying in the privacy of my own mind and heart. I also think that this blog entry might be a tad too long now and I just want to rest.

Thank you for all the blessings so far this week. Thank you for the good news that I was told today and please look after her that she will have a healthy term and that all will work out in the end.


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