Friday, May 04, 2007

So much..

Dear God,

I have been listening to a lot of podcasts about my faith.. and about how to deal with things in a Catholic sense.

I've learned a lot. You should know. I find these podcasts so interesting and so inspirational and so thought provoking. I'm learning ways that I can extend my faith and defend my faith and really proclaim my faith and really live my faith.

I also have learned that it's not an easy ride. It's not easy to live a good faithful life. You like to throw curveballs to all of us that place our trust in You. And so far, we've all be able to handle it. We all know that you don't give us things that we cannot handle.

I also realize that.. tho' I say that I trust in you.. i really don't think i'm living it.

I can say that I trust you until I'm blue in the face.. but to completely let go and let you handle things in your time.. I really don't think I have been doing a good job at that. I really feel that I still try to take the wheel.. persay..

I still feel that I try to sway you to do things MY way.. when in all reality.. I know that things have to go YOUR way..

I feel that it's time in my life to take control of that and let you do things in your time.. we all live in YOUR time..

Give me the strength to always recognaize this.. and thank you for steering me towards these Catholic podcasts.. they have been a wonderful sourse of knowlege and inspiration to me..
